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Pakistan to maintain hard-earned peace, development of Balochistan: PM

ISLAMABAD, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) — Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said his country is committed to maintaining hard-earned peace and development of the southwest Balochistan province at all costs, ensuring the protection of citizens’ lives and properties.
“The enemies of Pakistan, bent on creating unrest in Balochistan, would be defeated with full force and national support,” the prime minister said while chairing a meeting of the Apex Committee of the National Action Plan on Thursday.
Highlighting the contributions of the people of Balochistan towards national progress and development, Sharif said Balochistan is an important province of Pakistan, and all obstacles in its path to development and prosperity would be removed.
Talking about the recent terrorist attacks in the province that killed at least 53 people, including security personnel, the prime minister said dialogues could only be possible with those who respect the constitution of Pakistan, underlining that sacrifices of those who laid down their lives for the country would not go to waste.
The prime minister also urged to enhance the capacity of the counter-terrorism department, police and other departments to eradicate terrorism in the province. ■
